March 13th: In conjunction with the exhibition Rosemarie Trockel: Metamorphoses
and Mutations, Line Reading presents: Anselm Berrigan, Jean Day,
Lyn Hejinian. Anselm Berrigans books of poetry include They Beat Me
Over the Head with a Sack (1998), Integrity and Dramatic Life (1999)
and the forthcoming Pictures for Private Devotion, all from Edge Books
in Washington. His poetry and reviews has appeared recently in Crow,
Pharos, The Poetry Project Newsletter and Shark. Berrigan
lives in New York City. Jean Days books of poetry include Linear C
(Tuumba, 1983), A Young Recruit (Roof, 1988), The I and the You
(Potes and Poets, 1992) and The Literal World (Atelos, 1998). Her work
has been in anthologies such as In the American Tree (National Poetry
Foundation, 1986) and From the Other Side of The Century (Sun and Moon,
1994). Day lives in Berkeley. Lyn Hejinians books include Writing is
an Aid to Memory (The Figures, 1978), My Life (Burning Deck, 1980),
Oxota: A Short Russian Novel (1991), The Cell (1992), and The
Cold of Poetry (1994), all from Sun and Moon in Los Angeles. Her collaborations
include Individuals, with Kit Robinson (Chax, 1988), Sight, with
Leslie Scalapino (Edge, 1999) as well as The Traveler and the Hill and the
Hill, (1998), and The Lake (2001), both with Emilie Clark
and published by Granary Books. Hejinians selected essays, The Language
of Inquiry, was published in 2000 by the University of California Press.
She lives in Berkeley. May 20th: Line Reading for Children presents Andy Rash.
Andy Rashs first childrens book, The Robots are Coming is
forthcoming from Scholastic this spring. His cartoons have been published in
such magazines and newspapers as American Illustration, The New York Times,
Raygun Magazine and The Wall Street Journal. Rash will be reading
from The Robots are Coming. May 22nd: In conjunction with the exhibition,
Between Street and Mirror: The Drawings of James Ensor, Line Reading
presents: Kevin Davies, Renee Gladman, Lisa Robertson. Kevin Daviess books
include Pause Button (Tsunami, 1992) and Comp. (Edge, 2000). His
writing has appeared in such journals as The Impercipient, Open Letter, Philly
Talks and Raddle Moon. A member of the Kootenay School of Writing
in Vancouver, Davies now lives in New York and teaches at NYU. Renee Gladman
is the author of two chapbooks, Arlem (Idiom, 1996) and Not Right
Now (Second Story, 1998), and a collection of prose work, Juice (Kelsey
St., 2000). Most recently, her work has appeared in Conjunctions 35, Fourteen
Hills, and Mungo vs. Ranger. Gladman lives in Oakland, CA, where
she edits the chapbook press, Leroy. Lisa Robertsons books include
The Apothecary (Tsunami, 1991), XEclogue (Tsunami, 1993), The
Descent (Meow, 1996) and Debbie: An Epic (New Star, 1997). Her writing
has appeared in such journals as Parataxis, Proliferation and Exact
Change Yearbook. She is a member of the Kootenay School of Writing in Vancouver,
where she lives. June 17th: Line Reading for Children presents: Megan Montague
Cash. Megan Montague Cashs illustrations have been published widely. Her
first childrens book, I Saw the Sea and the Sea Saw Me, is forthcoming
from Viking. Cash will be reading from this book. June 26th: In conjunction
with the exhibition, Between Street and Mirror: The Drawings of James Ensor,
Line Reading presents: Adam Degraff, Jackson Mac Low, Ange Mlinko. Adam DeGraffs
self-published chapbooks include, Uncle (1995) and The Hawaii Poems
(2000). Rose Glass Hap is forthcoming from Shark. His poems and
essays have appeared in Idiom, Chain, Shark, and Log. DeGraff
is an editor of Idiom in San Francisco, where he lives. Jackson Mac Low
is author of over 25 books of poetry, including Verdurous Sanguinaria
(Southern University, 1967), Asymmetries 1-260 (Printed Editions, 1980),
From Pearl Harbor Day to FDRs Birthday (Sun and Moon, 1982), Twenties
(Roof, 1991), Pieces o Six (Sun and Moon, 1992), and Barnesbook
(Sun and Moon, 1996). His work has been anthologized widely. Also an artist
and composer, Mac Low lives in New York City. Ange Mlinko is author of Matinees
(Zoland, 1999). Her work has appeared in magazines including The World, Lingo,
The Hat and Combo. Mlinko currently edits The Poetry Project Newsletter
and lives in Brooklyn. APRIL 7: BRUCE ANDREWS AND JACQUES DEBROT. Bruce Andrews
is the author of several landmark books of poetry including I Dont
Have Any Paper So Shut Up (Or, Social Romanticism) and Paradise &
Method (Northwestern University Press). Forthcoming is Lip Service,
the "Dante Paradiso dub," from Coach House Books, and the "Millennium
Project," which will appear on the Eclipse website. Jacques Debrot
is the author of Confuzion Comix (Second Story Books), and is the editor
of the zine 9 to 0. Known as one of the more challenging from-the-hip
literary critics and provocateurs, he has published poems in Combo and
at APRIL 14: ROD SMITH AND REDELL OLSEN. Rod Smith is the author
of In Memory Of My Theories (O Books), The Boy Poems, Protective
Immediacy, and with Lisa Jarnot and Bill Luoma, New Mannerist Tricycle.
The Good House and The Given are forthcoming in 2001. He edits Aerial
magazine, publishes Edge Books, and manages Bridge Street Books in Washington,
DC. Redell Olsen is the author of Book of the Insect and Book
of the Fur (rem press). One of a growing crop of exciting younger writers
coming out of London, England, she has an MA in fine art and has worked in video,
performance, and installation. APRIL 21: SALLY SILVERS AND MAC WELLMAN. Sally
Silvers is a NYC-based choreographer/performer whose theoretical writing, scores,
and poetry have appeared in many journals including The Drama Review
and The Impercipient. Her next dance performances are in NYC at Construction
Company, May 5, 6, 7. Mac Wellman, one of the countrys great innovative
playwrights, has published several books including A Shelf in Woops
Clothing (poetry, Sun & Moon), The Bad Infinity, and Crowtet
I (A Murder of Crows & The Hyacinth Macaw). He was co-editor of From
the Other Side of the Century II: A New American Drama 1960-1995 (Sun &
in San Francisco where she co-edits Tripwire, a Journal of Experimental Poetics.
Her chapbooks include The Marriage of the Well Built Head, Shed,
and Apostasy, forthcoming from Melodeon Poetry Systems. Recent work has
appeared in Primary Writing, Kenning and Syllogism.
Kim Rosenfield is the author of several chapbooks including Rx,
cool clean chemistry, and A Self-Guided Walk, and the book Good
Morning -Midnight -. An internet chapbook, Verbali, is forthcoming
intrepid author of several underground classics including Name, Signage
(essays, Roof Books), Candor and a limited host of other titles bridging
the traverses between poetry and theory and life. Nicole Brossard is
one of New Yorks favorite Quebecers, and has published numerous books
and essays of poetry, fiction and feminist criticism, including These Our
Mothers (Or: The Disintegrating Chapter), Picture Theory, Surfaces
of Sense, and Mauve Desert (Arroyo Press). MAY 12: DARREN WERSHLER-HENRY
AND JUDITH GOLDMAN. Darren Wershler-Henry lives and works as a writer, critic,
and the editor of Coach House Books in Toronto. His book of visual poetry,
NICHOLODEON: a book of lowerglyphs, appeared in 1997, and the tapeworm
foundry in 2000 (Anansi). He is the co-author of four nonfiction books on
the internet, and his essays on pop culture and theory have appeared in numerous
periodicals including boundary 2, Open Letter, Sulfur,
and Semiotext(e) Canada(s). Judith Goldman has published poems
in several journals and zines including Object, Arras, Aerial,
and The Impercipient. Hew first book of poems, Vocoder, will be
published in March 2001 by Roof Books. MAY 19: CHRISTIAN BÖK AND MADELINE
GINS. Christian Bök, besides being the author of Crystallography
(Coach House) and the forthcoming Eunoia (parts of which can be read
on, is the "noted linguist" (Time Magazine) who created
the language for the Taelons on a recent Gene Roddenberry series. His book of
essays on pataphysics and other subjects is forthcoming from Northwestern
University Press, and work of his in print and on CD can be found in the new
issue of Cabinet. Madeline Gins is the author/creator of Word
Rain, What the President Will Say and Do, and the meta-somethingelse
Helen Keller or Arakawa. She collaborated with Arawaka on the seminal
Mechanism of Meaning, and has been busy constructing several Reversible
Destiny structures -- cities, houses, installations -- all over the world. MAY
26: GARRETT CAPLES AND LEE ANN BROWN. Garrett Caples is the author of The
Garrett Caples Reader (Black Square Editions). He is presently working on
a prose book, the beginning of which appeared in Faucheuse 3, and working
on a new collection tentatively titled All Chemical. He lives in Oakland,
California. Lee Ann Browns Polyverse, winner of the New
American Poetry Series, appeared in 1999 (Sun & Moon). She is also a singer,
filmmaker, the publisher/editor of Tender Buttons press, and has published several
chapbooks including The Voluptuary Lion Poems of Spring. WEDNESDAY MARCH
7 The Art Bar Reading Series presents Margaret Christakos, Chris Chambers and
Paul Vermeersch, at Balmuto's Triangle, 17 Balmuto Street (at Bloor and Yonge).
8 p.m. Free. 416-461-5657. Kama 2001 and World Literacy of Canada celebrate
Women's Day, with Sandra Shamas, Katherine Govier and Catherine Bush, at the
Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park Circle. 6:30 p.m. $35 or $150 for a five-event
series (cocktails and hors d'oeuvres included). 416-977-0008. Paul Vermeersch,
Ed Shaw, Suzanne Hancock and Lindsay Zier-Vogel will read, with music by T.
Dekker, at the Victory Café, 581 Markham Street. 8 p.m. Free. THURSDAY
MARCH 8 Join the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY Canada)
for Hot Hot Cuba, a benefit to raise money for the Cuban section of IBBY. A
night of music, dance and fun, featuring the band VIBRASON (playing música
cubana, of course). The Silver Dollar, 486 Spadina Avenue. 8 p.m. $25. 416-538-9844.
Hamilton Poetry Centre: Writers of poetry at all levels of experience are invited
to read their work (and provide 12 printed copies) to a small group of colleagues
and peers to receive constructive criticism in a supportive environment. Led
by John Terpstra and Marilyn Gear Pilling. Room 215, Hamilton Central Library,
55 York Boulevard. 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY MARCH 9 The I.V. Lounge Reading Series presents
gordon michael allen, Gary Barwin, Neil Hennessey and Jason LeHeup at the I.V.
Lounge, 326 Dundas Street West (across the street from the AGO). 8 p.m. Free.
416-533-9753. Website. SATURDAY MARCH 10 Phoenix Poets' Workshop, the longest-running
workshop in Toronto, meets at the College-Shaw branch of the Toronto Public
Library, 766 College Street. 2:30 p.m. 416-393-7668. SUNDAY MARCH 11 Syntactic
Sunday Reading Series presents Lea Harper and science-fiction poetry by's
David Clink, plus an open mic, at the Free Times Café, 320 College Street.
8 p.m. $2 suggested donation. 416-967-1078. The Idler Pub Reading Series presents
Bill Klebeck, Treena Kortje and Daniel f. Bradley, at the Idler Pub, 255 Davenport
Road. 8 p.m. Free. 416-962-0195. CIUT 89.5 Howl, hosted by Nancy Bullis, with
guests TBA. 2 3 p.m. MONDAY MARCH 12 Award-winning youth writer Sylvia
McNicoll will talk about her books and provide tips on writing. Room CL3, Mississauga
Central Library, 301 Burnhamthorpe Road West. 2 p.m. Free. Barefoot Journal,
a grassroots environmental, urban renewal and social justice zine is having
a launch party for its Winter/Spring 2001 edition, with music: reggae, techno
and trance. Lava Lounge, 507 College Street. 416-260-0429. TUESDAY MARCH 13
CKLN 88.1 presents In Other Words, with Insomniac Press author Matt Robinson
reading from A Ruckus of Awkward Stacking. Hosted by Susan L. Helwig.
2 p.m. Enter the exciting world of magazine writing and publishing! Editor Penelope
Jackson will speak about the development of Reluctant Hero, a dynamic
Canadian teen magazine showcasing artwork and writing by girls 11 to 19. Room
CL3, Mississauga Central Library, 301 Burnhamthorpe Road West. 2 p.m. Free.
Open stage for spoken word and music at the Oasis, hosted by Tom Glenne. 294
College Street. Sign-up 7:45 p.m. Free. 416-505-1828. Lit Chat: Bring your favourite
book, poem, short story, anything other than your own writing to share. Sasso
Basso, 164 James South, Hamilton. 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY MARCH 14 The Art Bar Reading
Series presents Lucy Brennan, Eva Tihanyi and Treena Kortje. Balmuto's Triangle,
17 Balmuto Street (at Bloor and Yonge). 8 p.m. Free. 416-461-5657. The Free
Times Café presents Vixens & Storytellers, a casual night of readings...
music... vixens & storytellers, featuring Paul Cooper, Melanie Janisse,
Andrea Thompson and guests. Free Times Café, 320 College Street. 8 p.m.
$3 suggested. 416-967-1078. Email. Book Discussion Group meets at High Park
Library (second Wednesday of each month). High Park Library, 228 Roncesvalles
Avenue. 6:30 p.m. For information on this month's book call Carly, 416-533-0660.
THURSDAY MARCH 15 York University's Canadian Writers in Person Series welcomes
Alistair MacLeod, reading from No Great Mischief. Stedman Lecture Hall
"D," York University, 4700 Keele Street. 7:30 p.m. Free. New Acropolis
presents a talk on Confucius: Discover the life and the teachings of one of
the most influential philosophers of China. 20 Craighurst Avenue. 7:30 p.m.
$12/$9 students/seniors. 416-486-7198. FRIDAY MARCH 16 The Java Man Café
Reading Series presents Helen Humphreys reading from her novel Afterimage,
with music by Phillip Hughes. Java Man Café, 80 King Street West, Cobourg.
7:30 p.m. $10. 905-377-1755. SATURDAY MARCH 17 ST PATRICK'S DAY The Writing
Circle offers a half-day workshop poetry and/in/with art get jiggy
with your muse. Call 416-537-3095 for information/registration. SUNDAY MARCH
18 CIUT 89.5 Howl, featuring the work and life of the King of the Beats: Jack
Kerouac, hosted by Nik Beat, 2 3 p.m. The Idler Pub Reading Series presents
Kathleen Whelan, Marion Lydbrooke, Edward O'Connor, Ray Jones and Charlie Huisken.
Idler Pub, 255 Davenport Road. 8 p.m. Free. 416-962-0195. TUESDAY MARCH 20 A
Night Above/Ground, with readings & launches by meghan lynch, Adam Levin,
rob mclennan, Jason LeHeup and others. Imperial Library Pub, 54 Dundas Street
East. 8 p.m. $5 (includes a recent chapbook). Email. Open stage for spoken word
and music at the Oasis, hosted by Tom Glenne. 294 College Street. Sign-up 7:45
p.m. Free. 416-505-1828. WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 The Art Bar Reading Series presents
3 For the Road: Michael Dennis, Stephen Brockwell and rob mclennan promote their
new poetry books from Talonbooks and Broken Jaw Press. Balmuto's Triangle, 17
Balmuto Street (at Bloor and Yonge). 8 p.m. Free. 416-461-5657. FRIDAY MARCH
23 The I.V. Lounge Reading Series presents poets Ronna Bloom, Phil Hall and
John Reibetanz. I.V. Lounge, 326 Dundas Street West (across from the AGO). 8
p.m. Free. 416-533-9753. Website. SATURDAY MARCH 24 Phoenix Poets' Workshop,
the longest-running workshop in Toronto, meets at the College-Shaw branch of
the Toronto Public Library, 766 College Street. 2:30 p.m. 416-393-7668. SUNDAY
MARCH 25 The Idler Pub Reading Series presents the Tower Poetry Society, introduced
by Jeff Sefinga. Idler Pub, 255 Davenport Road. 8 p.m. Free. 416-962-0195. CIUT
89.5 Howl and hosts Nik Beat and Nancy Bullis present Jason Walter and friends
for CIUT fundraising week. 2 3 p.m. The Exile Reading Series hosts Richard
Teleky, Priscila Uppal, Shannon Bramer and more. Bar Italia, 582 College Street.
2 p.m. Free. TUESDAY MARCH 27 The UofT Bookstore Reading Series presents David
A. Wilson, author of The History of the Future, at the Hart House Library,
7 Hart House Circle. 7:30 p.m. Free. 416-978-7989. The Poetic Licence reading
series 2nd Anniversary Party! Featuring Bobby Hsu, Noah Zacharin, Sana Mulji,
Donna Langevin, Roger Bell and John B. Lee, plus special guests. Free Times
Café, 320 College Street. 8 p.m. Pay-what-you-can. 416-967-1078. Stories
For the Idle Mind, a monthly fiction reading series at the Idler Pub, with
published feature readers and an open mic for fiction writers. 255 Davenport
Road. 8 p.m. Free. Email. Website. Open stage for spoken word and music, at
the Oasis, hosted by Tom Glenne. 294 College Street. Sign-up 7:45 p.m. Free.
416-505-1828. WEDNESDAY MARCH 28 The Art Bar Reading Series presents Poetry
in Song, an evening of singer-songwriters hosted by Joseph Maviglia with musical
guests. Balmuto's Triangle, 17 Balmuto Street (at Bloor and Yonge). 8 p.m. Free.
416-461-5657. Writuals literary series presents Souvankham Thammavongsa, Christopher
Jennings and Sophie Levy with open stage to follow. Arbor Room at Hart House,
7 Hart House Circle, University of Toronto. 8:30 p.m. Free. 416-978-5362. TUESDAY
MARCH 30 The UofT Bookstore Reading Series presents A PEN Canada Benefit: Screen/Writer
II with John Irving and Michael Ondaatje. Convocation Hall, 31 King's College
Circle. 7:30 p.m. $25/$20. 416-978-7989. Since the fall of 1987, over one hundred
poets have read in Dia's Readings in Contemporary Poetry series. These readings
have included historic literary events, such as James Schuyler's first public
reading. All events have been videotaped, resulting in an extensive archive
of poets reading from wide spans in their careers. Thanks to a generous grant
from the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund, selected audio from historic readings
is being made available, starting with the 1987 season. Beginning with the December
9, 2000, reading by Jorie Graham and Charles Wright, recordings of entire readings
will be posted. Readings are at 4:00 pm at 548 West 22nd Street and admission
is $6, $3 for students, seniors and members. Readings will be introduced by
the director of Dia's poetry program, Brighde Mullins. Readings in Contemporary
Poetry is funded, in part, by generous grants from The Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds
Foundation, Inc., Lannan Foundation, and Lila Acheson Wallace Theater Fund,
with additional support from the Axe-Houghton Foundation. Saturday, November
18, 2000: Sharon Olds and Quincy Troupe. Saturday, December 9, 2000: Jorie Graham
and Charles Wright. Saturday, January 13, 2001: John Ashbery and Robert Creeley.
Saturday, March 31, 2001: Alan Dugan and Maria Ponsot. Saturday, April 28, 2001:
Anne Carson and Bei Dao. Saturday, May 19, 2001: Ann Lauterbach and Alice Notley.
MARCH Thursday, March 15th 8 pm, Reading at the Getty Center: Christopher Merrill
& Tomaz Salamun. Co-sponsored with the Getty Research Institute. Admission
is free. Reservations are recommended. The Getty Center, Museum Lecture Hall,
1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles. Call (310) 669-2369 for more information
or to make reservations. Thursday, March 29th 12:30 pm. Lecture on T.S. Eliot
and "The Waste Land" Tan Lin. Poet and professor Tan Lin will discuss
"T.S. Eliot and the Use Value of the Obsolescent." Admission is free.
438 Clemens Hall, SUNY-Buffalo, North Campus, Buffalo. Call (212) 254-9628 for
more information. Thursday, March 29th 7 pm. Poetry in Translation: Slovenian
Poetry, Tomaz Salamun, Andrew Zawacki and Ales Debeljak. PSA's Poetry in Translation
series continues with an exploration of contemporary Slovenian poetry. Co-sponsored
with Housing Works Used Books and Café and the Slovenian Consulate. Admission
is free. Housing Works Used Books and Café, 126 Crosby Street, New York.
Call (212) 254-9628 for more information. Saturday, March 31st 6 pm, Poetry
and Criticism: Poetry & Beauty Charles Altieri, Brenda Hillman, Reginald
Shepherd and Cole Swenson. Introduced and moderated by Donald Revell. The third
installment in PSA's Poetry and Criticism series explores the relationship between
poetry and beauty, from the sublime to the subversive. Co-sponsored with Poets
House. Admission is $8/ $4 for PSA Members. Wollman Auditorium, Cooper Union
Engineering Building. 51 Astor Place, New York. Call (212) 254-9628 for more
information. APRIL Wednesday, April 11th 8 pm, Tribute to Stanley Kunitz. Lucille
Clifton, Mark Doty, Marie Howe, Galway Kinnell, Yusef Komunyakaa, Sharon Olds,
Robert Pinsky, Gerald Stern and C.K. Williams. The New York literary community
celebrates the career of Stanley Kunitz, the recently elected Poet Laureate
of the United States. Co-sponsored with The Academy of American Poets, the National
Writer's Voice and The New York Times. Ticket prices are as follows:
Balcony seats $10/ Orchestra seats $15. Town Hall, 123 West 43rd Street, New
York. Call (212) 274-0343, extension 18, for information about reservations.
Thursday, April 19th 6 pm. NYC Poetry in Motion® Live: Hal Sirowitz &
Nina Cassian. A reading to celebrate the continuation of the dynamic Poetry
in Motion® program in New York City. A reception will follow. Co-sponsored
with the New York Transit Museum. Admission is free. The New York Transit Museum
is located in Brooklyn Heights at the corner of Boerum Place and Schermerhorn
Street. Take subway lines 2/3/4 to Borough Hall; N/R to Court Street; A/C/F
to Jay Street; A/C/G to Hoyt-Schermerhorn. Call (718) 243-8601 for more information
or for directions. Friday, April 20th 7 pm. The 91st Annual PSA Awards Ceremony.
The gala ceremony will feature the presentation of the 2001 Frost Medal to Sonia
Sanchez by prize-winning author Chinua Achebe and the official announcement
of the winners of the PSA Annual Awards. A reception, including a publishers'
display of the latest publications from 30 journals and presses, will follow
the ceremony. Co-sponsored with the New School. Admission is $10/ $5 for PSA
Members. The New School, 66 West 12th Street, New York. Call (212) 254-9628
for more information. Tuesday, April 24th 6:30 pm. Poetry in Public Places:
Poetry & The Natural World. Poetry in Public Places continues with an evening
of landscape and language at The Field Museum, the renowned museum of natural
history. W.S. Merwin will read from his work, with particular reference to his
poetry on environmental subject matter. Co-sponsored with The Field Museum,
The Guild Complex and The Poetry Center of Chicago. Admission is $15/ $12 Students/
$10 PSA Members*. *Discounts are also available to members of The Field Museum,
The Guild Complex and The Poetry Center of Chicago. The Field Museum, 1400 S.
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. Call (312) 665-7518 for more information or for directions.
MAY Saturday, May 5th, 1 pm. Poetry in Public Places: Poetry in the Parks, Nick
Flynn at Salt Marsh Nature Center Poetry in the Parks continues with poet and
teacher Nick Flynn, who will lead a workshop and read from his recent collection,
Some Ether (Graywolf Press, 2000). Co-sponsored with the City of New
York Parks & Recreation Department. Admission is free. Salt Marsh Nature
Center is located in Brooklyn. Take the D train to Avenue U, cross the street
outside the station and get on the eastbound B-3 Bus. The Nature Center is at
the East 33rd Street stop. Call (212) 254-9628 for more information. Thursday,
May 10th 8 pm: Reading at the Getty Center Marilyn Chin & Jeffrey McDaniel.
Co-sponsored with the Getty Research Institute. Admission is free. Reservations
are recommended. The Getty Center, Museum Lecture Hall, 1200 Getty Center Drive,
Los Angeles. Call (310) 669-2369 for more information or (310) 440-7300 to make
a reservation. Thursday, May 17th 7 pm. Beyond Tribute: Anne Sexton Revisited:
Betsy Andrews, Marie Howe, David Trinidad, Eileen Myles and Chris Stroffolino.
Introduced and moderated by J.D. McClatchy. A celebration of the poetry, the
myth and the music of Anne Sexton, with a special musical interlude by Chris
Stroffolino and an original member of Sexton's rock band "Anne Sexton and
Her Kind." Co-sponsored with Cooper Union. Admission is $8/ $4 for PSA
Members. Wollman Auditorium, Cooper Union Engineering Building, 51 Astor Place,
New York. Call (212) 254-9628 for more information. MARCH 7, WEDNESDAY, 7:30
DAVID ALPAUGH & ROBERT SWARD. David Alpaugh's first book, Counterpoint,
won the Nicholas Roerich Poetry Prize from Story Line Press. His chapbook, Slow
Burn for Ozymandias, was recently published by Coracle, and Pudding House
has just published The Greatest Hits of David Alpaugh. His poems have appeared
widely in journals including Poetry, Exquisite Corpse, The
Formalist, and ZYZZYVA. He runs Small Poetry Press and teaches at
UC Extension in Walnut Creek. Robert Sward teaches at UC Santa Cruz. He has
received a Guggenheim, and was chosen by Lucille Clifton for a Villa Montalvo
Literary Arts Award. He is the author of sixteen books including Four Incarnations,
New & Selected Poems (Coffee House Press) and A Much-Married
Man, A Novel. Rosicrucian in the Basement, Selected Poems, is forthcoming
in Canada, with a simultaneous release in the U.S. He is a contributing editor
to Web Del Sol and Blue Moon Review. Donation: $2. MARCH 14, WEDNESDAY,
7:30 MURRAY SILVERSTEIN & HELEN WICKES. Murray Silverstein is an Oakland
poet whose work appears in the current issue of Fourteen Hills; he is
a member of the Editorial Board for the poetry journal, americas review.
Helen Wickes is an Oakland poet who is currently studying for an M.F.A. from
Bennington Writing Seminars. Her poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in
Santa Clara Review and ZYZZYVA. Donation: $2. MARCH 18, SUNDAY,
has appeared or will shortly in ZYZZYVA, Santa Clara Review, Confrontation,
and FRUITFLESH: Luscious Lessons for Women Writers. Poet Lara Gularte
works with the San Jose Center for Poetry and Literature at the San Jose Museum
of Art, and, with Richard Rocco, is active in the Waverly Poets of Palo Alto.
Schevill is a widely published and respected poet and playwright. Now living
in Berkeley, he is Emeritus Professor of English at Brown University, as well
as a former longtime director of The Poetry Center at SFSU. His many books include
The Complete American Fantasies, and its companion volume, Ambiguous
Dancers of Fame. This event celebrates his just published book New and
Selected Poems. "
He is a passionate doubter, and his is a singular
voice in American Poetry." Sam Hamill. "His metaphors are fresh and
arresting. They take in objects from our daily lives and by comparing them to
the eternities of sky and sea bring us up with a start."--William Carlos
Williams. Donation: $2. MARCH 25, SUNDAY, 7:30, BEVERLY MATHERNE & A.J.
RATHBUN. Beverly Matherne is the author of Le Blues Braillant/The Blues Cryin'.
Her poetry has appeared in Poets On, Paterson Literary Review, The Squaw
Review, anthologies, and a number of French language reviews. "Beverly
Matherne is one of a kind, a rare jewel. Born and bred in Cajun Country, out
of the deepest roots of American soil, these poems sing the body beautiful with
plaintive wail and lusty earthiness. These poems grew out of two languages,
Cajun French and American English, and they're hot--hot as Tabasco
as sugar
cool as Mississippi mud."--Judith Minty. A.J. Rathbun's poetry
has been published in Crazyhorse, Gulf Coast, Monster, The Poetry Miscellany,
The Sonora Review, ZYZZYVA, and other magazines and journals. His first
book, Want, has just been published by Creative Arts in a collaboration
with ZYZZYVA. He is Co-editor of LitRag, a print and on-line Seattle-based
literary and arts magazine. Donation: $2. MARCH 28, WEDNESDAY, 7:30, CRAIG VAN
RIPER & JAIME ROBLES. Seattle poet Craig Van Riper's new chapbook is Convenient
Danger. He's also the author of Making the Path While You Walk, and
is a contributing editor to the Bay Area's Five Fingers Review. "What
makes Van Riper's work distinctly American is its thinly disguised sense of
danger and deadpan humor. [His work] is both very accessible and totally uncompromising."--Talking
Raven. Jaime Robles is a writer and book artist. She was the poetry editor at
The Lapis Press, Santa Monica, and is currently General Editor of Five Fingers
Review. Her chapbook is Unseen Stream (Em Press), This Narrow
Ring, a chapbook is forthcoming from Potes and Poets as part of their experimental
women writers series. Donation: $2. APRIL 4, WEDNESDAY, 7:30, CAROLE SIMMONS
announced APRIL 15, SUNDAY, 7:30, JOANNA KLINK (poetry) & JOHN D'AGATA (lyric
READING: Judith Tannenbaum, author of Disguised as a Poem, My Years
Teaching at San Quentin, and WritersCorps teacher, is joined in a reading
by WritersCorps poet-coordinators and poet-eachers Janet Heller, Sarah Lenoue,
Valerie Chow Bush, Cathy Arellano, Michelle Matz, Dani Montgomery, Jessica Rosenfeld,
Alison Seevak, Chad Sweeney, Peter Tamaribuchi, Gloria Yamato, and Kim Nelson.
MAY 6, SUNDAY, 7:30, Intimate Kisses: The Poetry of Sexual Pleasure, with anthology
LINDSAY. The event room at Cody's is wheelchair accessible. Please ask for help
or directions at the Information Desk. ASL interpreters for the deaf and hearing
impaired can be provided with reasonable advance notice. To request, call Poetry
Flash at (510) 525-5476 via regular phone service or the California Relay Operator,
1-800-735-2929 (TDD) or 1-800-735-2922 (Voice). Poetry Flash thanks the Civic
Arts Program, City of Berkeley, for their support. Cody's Books 2454
Telegraph Avenue (at Haste) Berkeley Parking is available at the Durant/Channing
Garage; Cody's will validate one hour of parking with purchase. Cody's Books:
510/845-7852 Poetry Flash: 510/525-5476. VANCOUVER POETS GEORGE STANLEY
& SHARON THESEN. Thursday February 8, 7:30 pm, $5 donation. @ The Unitarian
Center 1187 Franklin (at Geary). San Francisco native George Stanley makes a
rare return visit to his home town for The Poetry Centerís opening evening
of its Spring 2001 series. A member of the poetry circles around the late Jack
Spicer and the North Beach bohemian scene during the 1960s, Mr. Stanley had
his early books published here by the legendary White Rabbit Press. Some of
his finest later poems are centered on his personal and family history in San
Francisco. His amazing long poem "San Franciscos Gone" (in the
recent book Gentle Northern Summer) is the most remarkable San Francisco poem
to appear within anyones recent memory. Since 1970 George Stanley has
made his home in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he teaches at Capilano College.
His recent books, published by New Star Books of Vancouver, include the brilliant
volume Gentle Northern Summer and, just out, that books equally
compelling successor, At Andys. Sharon Thesen is one of Canadas
more prominent poets and editors. Recent projects include her edition of The
New Long Poem Anthology (Coach House Press, Toronto; new edition forthcoming
from Talonbooks), and, co-edited with scholar Ralph Maud, the incredibly illuminating
correspondence between the remarkable writer Frances Boldereff and the late
great poet Charles Olson Charles Olson and Frances Boldereff: A Modern
Correspondence (Wesleyan University Press, 1999). Ms. Thesens books
of poetry include Artemis Hates Romance, Aurora (both from Coach House),
News and Smoke (Talonbooks, 1999) and, most recent, A Pair of
Scissors (Anansi, 2000). She too teaches at Capilano College in Vancouver.
A reunion of San Francisco legends DAVID MELTZER & JACK HIRSCHMAN, Thursday
February 15, 7:30 pm, $5 donation @ The Unitarian Center 1187 Franklin (at Geary).
David Meltzers new book of poetry, the latest of over 40 books in as many
years, is No Eyes: Lester Young (Black Sparrow Press, 2000), "a
prolonged meditation on the last year of Lester Youngs life." It
joins his latest anthology, Writing Jazz (Mercury House, 1999) representing
"African-American perceptions of jazz as a subject and practice"
companion to the earlier Reading Jazz (1994), "a negative critique of white
cultures shimmy with black jazz." A new edition of his 1971 anthology
The San Francisco Poets is forthcoming this spring from City Lights.
Mr. Meltzer lives in Richmond, CA, and teaches poetics at New College of California
in San Francisco. Since their work together in the 1970s magazine Tree
devoted to poetic explorations of the Jewish Kabbalah he and Jack Hirschman
have shared a profound internationalist affinity and liberative imaginary ethos.
Mr. Hirschman is "dean of S.F.s Marxist poetry," according to
an SF Chronicle front-page story headline last March. His latest collection,
Arcani (Multimedia Edizioni, 1999), was published in a beautiful bilingual
edition in Salerno, Italy, and presents his recent long poems impassioned,
elegaic works dedicated to, among others, Allen Ginsberg, Pier Palo Pasolini,
Bob Kaufman, his late father Stephen, and his son, David Hirschman. Prolific
translator from a multitude of languages (Albanian, Russian, Yiddish) and poets
(Paul Celan, Roque Dalton, MallarmÈ, Artaud, Neruda), he is an active
member of the Labor Party, the Union of Left Writers, and since 1973 a resident
of North Beach in San Francisco. Two events with visiting writers SEMEZDIN MEHMEDINOVIC
& AMMIEL ALCALAY Thursday March 1 7:30 pm, $5 donation @ The Unitarian Center
1187 Franklin (at Geary). Also, Thursday afternoon March 1, 4:30 pm free public
conversation @ The Poetry Center (SFSU) both events presented in collaboration
with IVRI-Nasawi Bosnian poet, writer and filmmaker Semezdin Mehmedinovic was
born in Tuzla, Bosnia, in 1960, and is the author of four books. Sarajevo
Blues"widely considered here to be the best piece of writing
to emerge from this besieged capital since Bosnias war erupted" (Washington
Post) was written at the height of the war that destroyed Sarajevo, and
was published outside the country in Ljubljana, then, in English translation
by Ammiel Alcalay, in the US by City Lights Books in 1998. Mr. Mehmedinovic,
his wife, and their child came to the U.S. as political refugees in 1996. He
lives and works in Washington, DC. Ammiel Alcalay has become among the most
exemplary US writers of his generation. Poet (the cairo notebooks; A Masque
in the Form of a Cento), activist, widely-recognized scholar and essayist
(After Jews and Arabs: Remaking Levantine Culture; Memories of Our Future:
Selected Essays), anthologist (Keys to the Garden: New Israeli Writing),
and prolific translator from Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanishhis
recent work has been focused particularly on Bosnia and the Middle East. His
work-in-progress includes the book From the Warring Factions. One of
the original members of the East for Peace movement and NGO in Israel in the
1980s, he has also done a variety of human rights work for Amnesty International,
the Palestine Human Rights Data Base and other organizations. Along with Jordan
Elgrably, Ruth Behar and Victor Perera, he is one of the co-founders of IVRI-Nasawi,
the National Association of Sephardic Writers & Intellectuals. Currently
a visiting scholar at Stanford University, Mr. Alcalay lives in Brooklyn, New
York, and teaches at Queens College, CUNY. HOMAGE TO JOE BRAINARD Six poets:
featuring Kenward Elmslie, Ron Padgett, Anne Waldman, Bill Berkson, Dick Gallup
& Barbara Guest. Sunday afternoon March 4, 2:00-5:00 pm, free with museum
admission. Special Location @ UC Berkeley Art Museum Theater (2625 Durant Avenue,
Berkeley) presented by UC Berkeley Art Museum, co-sponsored by The Poetry Center.
Joe Brainard painter, collagist, book-artist, author of the incomparable
poetic opus I Rememberwill be remembered by his poet friends at this special
event in Berkeley, in conjunction with the first museum retrospective of his
work. Joe Brainard: A Retrospective, curated by Constance Lewallen, runs from
February 7 thru May 27 at the UC Berkeley Art Museum. Brainard was born in Arkansas
in 1942, and grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, moving to New York after graduating
from high schoolwhere he became affiliated and associated ever after with
the New York School poets, collaborating on many publications and one-off collaborations.
He died, from AIDS-related pneumonia, in 1994. Readings by the poets, introduced
by Robert Hass, will be followed by a discussion facilitated by Ms. Lewallen.
An afternoon reading with BENJAMIN FRIEDLANDER & HORACE COLEMAN Thursday
afternoon March 15, 4:30 pm, free @ The Poetry Center, SFSU. Benjamin Friedlanderís
new book of poetry, A Knot Is Not A Tangle (Krupskaya Books, 2000), presents
"all the great heresies. . . : poignant rhymes, literate feints and graceless
parries, the bogus and the beautiful, elliptical, epochal, and incidental"
(Brian Kim Stefans). Over the course of numerous brief books and the co-editing
of several magazines over the past two decades, Mr. Friedlander has developed
a restless, ultra-skeptical, and incessantly trying poesisup against the
ends of "the poem" per se and "a sordid world / of fallen nets
/ and hammered / cask replies." His scholarly work resulted recently in
the beautifully edited Collected Prose of Charles Olson (U California),
with Donald Allen. Along with Steve Evans, he co-edits the journal Sagetrieb.
A collection of essays is currently in preparation, as well as a study of Emily
Dickinson and the Civil War. Ben Friedlander lives in Old Town, Maine, and teaches
at the University of Maine, Orono. This is his first local reading since leaving
the Bay Area in 1992. Horace Colemans In The Grass (Viet Nam Generation/Burning
Cities Press, 1995) is one of the great candid works of imaginative response
to the state of affairs in post-Vietnam War USA. The late Gwendolyn Brooks once
wrote of his poetry that it is "sharp and uncompromisingbut invincibly
warm." (Mr. Colemans eulogy for Ms. Brooks appeared recently in the
online magazine The Black World Today, His poetry
composes a new Songs of Experience for a mostly unspoken-for generation. In
addition to being a former university professor, Horace Coleman has been a writer
in the schools and a technical writer. His poetry is included in numerous anthologies
focused on the Vietnam War and aftermath. Originally from Ohio, he lives in
southern California and is a Viet Nam veteran, "class of 67."
An afternoon reading with MILTON MURAYAMA Thursday afternoon March 29, 4:30
pm, free @ The Poetry Center, SFSU. Milton Murayama is the celebrated author
of a remarkable tetralogy of novels centered on the Oyama family saga and plantation
life among the Japanese in Hawaii. All I Asking For Is My Body, his moving
debut novel, originally appeared in 1975, and has since become an underground
classic, hailed as the "only comprehensive literary treatment of the Hawaii
plantation experience, an experience which either directly or indirectly affects
a very large segment of Hawaiis population" (Arnold Hiura, The
Hawaii Herald). The novel later won an American Book Award and was picked
up by the University of Hawaii Press, which has kept it in print since. That
book was followed by Five Years on a Rock (1994) and Plantation Boy
(1998), all from the University of Hawaii Press. The fourth and final novel
of the tetralogy, A Good Life, is in progress. Born on Maui in 1923,
Mr. Murayama grew up in a sugar plantation company town of several hundred workers
and their families that no longer exists. During World War II he served as a
language interpreter in India and Taiwan, and later received an MA in Chinese
and Japanese from Columbia University. He lives in San Francisco. An evening
with MARK MCMORRIS & ELIZABETH WILLIS Thursday April 5, 7:30 pm, $5 donation
@ The Unitarian Center, 1187 Franklin (at Geary). Mark McMorris was born and
raised in Kingston, Jamaica. He attended college in the US, at Columbia University,
earning both a Masters and PhD at Brown University. He is author of several
chapbooks, including Palinurus Suite (Paradigm Press, 1992) and Moth-Wings
(Burning Deck, 1996); his book The Black Reeds was published by the University
of Georgia Press in 1997. He edited a special section on poets "Out of
the Anglophone Caribbean" for Exact Change Yearbook (1995), and has published
critical work on Kamau Brathwaite, Louis Zukofsky, and on the Black avant-garde.
His poetry was included in the special issue of Callaloo on "Emerging Male
Writers" (1998). Mr. McMorris lives in Washington, DC, and teaches at Georgetown
University. Elizabeth Williss collection The Humant Abstract
(Penguin, 1995) won the National Poetry Series in 1994. She is also the
author of several chapbooks, a book-length poem entitled Second Law (Avenue
B, 1993), and a new manuscript entitled Turneresque. Currently she is
Writer in Residence at Mills College in Oakland. She lives in Santa Cruz. A
very special evening with ERNESTO CARDENAL Thursday April 19, 7:30 pm, $5-10
donation. Special Location @ The Womens Building (3543 18th St, between
Valencia & Guerrero) presented in collaboration with New College of California
& Mission Cultural Center. World-renowned Nicaraguan poet-priest Ernesto
Cardenal former Minister of Culture under the Sandinista government, and
among the most significant Latin American literary figures of the past half-centuryvisits
San Francisco in a rare appearance, co-sponsored by The Poetry Center, New College
of California, and Mission Cultural Center. Among his many books to appear in
Spanish and in English translation over the past decades are Oracion por
Marilyn Monroe y otros poemas, Cosmic Canticle, Apocalypse and Other Poems,
Flights of Victory, and Quetzalcoatl. Father Cardenal will read his
poetry in EspaÒol, with spoken English translations provided. Seating
is limited! Ernesto Cardenal was born in 1925 in Granada, Nicaragua. He attended
the University of Mexico (1944-48) and Columbia University (1948-49), as well
as the Trappist monastery in Kentucky directed by Thomas Merton. In 1965 he
was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest, and developed a politics and practice
he considers "Christian-Marxist." He is well-known throughout Latin
America and North America as a spokesman for social justice and self-determination.
Euro-San Francisco Poetry Festival featuring poets: KATARINA FROSTENSON (Sweden)
TOR OBRESTAD (Norway) LUTZ SEILER (Germany) TAYLOR BRADY (San Francisco). Saturday
April 28, 7:30 pm, $5 donation @ The Unitarian Center, 1187 Franklin (at Geary).
Join us for this evening of readings by a unique international company of poets,
with appearances by Katarina Frostenson, visiting from Sweden, Tor Obrestad
from Norway, Lutz Seiler from former East Germany, and Taylor Brady of San Francisco.
The Poetry Center is co-presenting this evenings event as part of the
Euro-San Francisco Poetry Festival, running from Thursday April 26 thru Sunday
April 29 featuring visiting poets from throughout Europe alongside poets
from San Francisco. Check out the festival website at for
full details of the weekends events. Poetry Center Book Award reading
COLE SWENSEN & ELIZABETH ROBINSON. Thursday afternoon May 3, 4:30 pm, free
@ The Poetry Center, SFSU. Cole Swensens new book of poetry, Try
(University of Iowa, 1999), was selected for the annual Poetry Center Book Award.
Also a noted translator from the French, Ms. Swensen has had book-length translations
published of works by Olivier Cadiot, Pierre Alferi, and Jean Fremon. A native
of northern California--and alumnus of SFSU--Cole Swensen lives in Colorado,
where she directs the writing program at the University of Denver. Poet Elizabeth
Robinson was judge for the Award this past year. Her own latest book, House
Made of Silver, is brand new from Kelsey St. Press., and Under
the Silky Roof is forthcoming from Burning Deck. After years spent studying
and teaching on the East Coast (New York and Providence), in the Midwest (Chicago),
and Southwest (Oklahoma), Ms. Robinson now lives in Berkeley, where she earned
her Doctor of Divinity degree at the Graduate Theological Union. STUDENT AWARDS
READING Thursday afternoon May 10, 4:30 pm, free @ The Poetry Center, SFSU.
Join us at The Poetry Center (in Humanities 512) for our annual afternoon reading
honoring outstanding graduate and undergraduate writers from the Creative Writing
program at San Francisco State. Included will be readings by this years
winner of the Poetry Centerís Frances Jaffer Poetry Prize (now in its
second year), the prestigious Academy of American Poets University & College
Poetry Prize winner, and recipients of numerous other student awards given annually
by the department of Creative Writing. An evening with STEFANIA PANDOLFO &
LESLIE SCALAPINO Thursday May 17, 7:30 pm, $5 donation @ The Unitarian Center
1187 Franklin (at Geary). Anthropologist Stefania Pandolfos extraordinary
first book Impasse of the Angels (University of Chicago Press,
1997) is subtitled "Scenes from a Moroccan Space of Memory," and is
a truly remarkable cultural work of daring and rare imagination. Her dense,
elaborated writing stands out as singular in its effort to "let real characters
take center stage and, through their act of speech, invent a people rather than
stand for it." The book is rich with the poetry and philosophy both native
to Moroccos Berber cultures and drawn from classic Islam. Instead of using
poetry, though, as example or instance of culture, she lets its methods shape
and orient her in her writing. Ms. Pandolfo teaches anthropology at UC Berkeley.
Leslie Scalapino is the author of more than 15 books of poetry and prose. Her
most recent book, R-hu (Atelos 2000), she has characterized as "thought
intending to dismantle mythos, lineagean undertaking of joy." Her
work in general has relentlessly explored "the radical nature of experience"
title phrase from one piece in The Public World/ Syntactically Impermanence
(Wesleyan, 1999) via a radical fusion of poetry, critical thinking, philosophic
conjecture, and the active breakdown of received categories of hierarchy in
thought and writing. As editor and publisher of O Books, Ms. Scalapino has brought
into print over 100 works of contemporary poetry. She lives in Oakland. LOCATIONS:
The Poetry Center is located in Humanities 512 on the SW corner of the San Francisco
State University Campus, 1600 Holloway Avenue 2 blocks west of 19th Avenue on
Holloway, take MUNIs M Line to SFSU from Daly City BART 28 MUNI bus or
free SFSU shuttle. The Unitarian Center is located at 1187 Franklin Street at
the corner of Geary on-street parking opens up at 7:00 pm from downtown SF take
the Geary bus to Franklin. The UC Berkeley Art Museum is located at 2625 Durant
Avenue in Berkeley, near Bowditch parking in the pay-lot on Bancroft opposite
the museum from Downtown Berkeley BART walk 2 blocks south on Shattuck, 3 blocks
east on Bancroft or take the 51 bus to Durant & Bowditch. The Womens
Building is located at 3543 18th Street between Valencia & Guerrero parking
in the pay-lot at 16th below Valencia from 16th St BART walk 1 block west, 2
blocks south on Valencia then west on 18th. Readings that take place at The
Poetry Center are free of charge. Except as indicated, a $5 donation is requested
for readings off-campus. SFSU students & Poetry Center members get in free.
The Poetry Centers programs are supported by funding from Grants for the
Arts-Hotel Tax Fund of the City of San Francisco, the California Arts Council,
the National Endowment for the Arts, Poets & Writers, Inc., and The Fund
for Poetry, as well as by the College of Humanities at San Francisco State University,
and by donations from our members. Join us!