UNTITLED #8 | ||||||
Loudmouth Collective is a young Brooklyn-based press dedicated to portable fiction/poetry, sound art, interactive literature, artists' books, and public art. Loudmouth Collective has come to be recognized for their inexpensively produced chapbooks, free newspaper (New York Nights), sound orchestra and Anti-Readings. Following thier devotion to public, interactive and incidental art, two members of the Loudmouth Collective (James Hoff/Julien Poirier) will publicly deconstruct the following poem: Warpaint the Cyclone's Psychic bike lane To a locked mind's bees On the jade curbstone Of Landmane and Horse Mine My eye you are a horse My ticket you are A stub running on Exile within The winnerless race Riot on Astor Place Where doom throbs Mobs Each line will be strewn thoroughly throughout the East Village, spraypainted to a sidewalk block. A map will be published so that the lines can be traced, though in no particular order will they be given. Upon completion, this project will be documented in an interactive loose leaf book, published by Loudmouth Collective (June 2002). HOW TO LOCATE April 10 - 25 in the East Village. Check back here for updated street information.
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