TELEWEB.ORG is a public Media Art project that enables free access to the creation of Web-TV and Web-Radio.

With the help of the guide on the website, it is possible to create one's own media and implement software, featuring the common audiovisual formats on the web (Realvideo, MP3, Quicktime, MPEG ...).

At the same time one preserves one's personal homepage, thus maintaining the liberty to choose a server and thereby the right to control one's own Artproject.
When enrolling in, you will receive an email with a password and a link to your site ( You can insert this site in your personal or professional webpage. You also have the choice to place your website on the Teleweb portal.


Self-Media follows the idea that everyone can create their own media Artprojects with the latest technologies without having to deal with the costs of material and software.

Self-Media sees the Internet as a tool to serve the community, enhancing an exchange of knowledge. Its idea is to bring new forms of economic and social behavior to the world of media.

Teleweb is a starting point to bring about a change in the traditional media cycle (production, distribution, diffusion ...). It is a proposition of a media Artproject positioned in the public space of the world wide web.

Teleweb is an extension of a media Artproject that David Guez has developed over the past 2 years and which focuses on alternatives to classic media forms. Several projects with independent audiovisual solutions and free access to the internet have already been made public:; web-tv, which thematises contemporary art; and bewac, which offers the possibility to listen to the accompanying sound on the web via telephone.

This project consciously goes against existing mentalities of certain enterprises in these sectors.

The first version of Teleweb attempts to conjugate the independence of the creative individual with the free choice to diffuse information on a common site and/or on a personal webpage.

Teleweb is a non profit project, branded copyleft and has more than 1000 webchannels.




based in paris, france


David guez is working since 1994 with internet as a medium.

1994-1996 : The "book of links" is a mix of texts, pictures and experiments showed on the web with the main idea that "my art is the other"(aesthetic relationnel)

1996-1998 : The "99% recycled internet" brand name is 4 installations dealing with the idea that internet is like a big recycled machine making a bridge between "real" objects and "virtual" content ("La voix lactee", "caramel Eden Eden", "les jours me tiennent en sommeil", "Si j'étais vous")

1998-2001: Internet is as a big media - Different projects has been created dealing with ideas of independant media, free context and public spaces open to other's content.(, bewac,, videofluxus).

2002 : Internet is a Memory/Un-memory space - several new projects has been on going dealing with privacy/public content.



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